There are various ways for you to serve at Full Gospel Assembly, this includes the worship team, children’s ministry, youth ministry, setup/breakdown, and Sunday connections team. We generally like to create rotations in all our volunteer opportunities to encourage people to serve at a healthy pace and not burn out. We are so grateful for our volunteers and strive to create an ongoing atmosphere of appreciation!


Our Worship Team meets on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am for prayer and practice. We believe worship is the act of presenting our hearts to God and our time in worship together transcends beyond the music. If you play an instrument, sing, or want to help with our slides, this is a great way to connect with others that share the same passion as well as an opportunity to serve the Lord by using your giftings!


Our kids are dismissed to their respective classrooms right after our morning worship/song time (around 11:50 am). We try to come alongside parents by providing engaging environments for their children on Sundays. Our volunteers help out once a month so that they can attend the rest of the service on days they are not serving. If you enjoy working with kids, we would love to have you come on board our team!

Youth Ministry

Our youth group meets on Fridays at 8 P.M, where we facilitate a time of openness, dialogue, authenticity, laughter and sharing. While we want our youth to have good knowledge of the Word, we also want them to take full ownership of their faith using their own actions and thoughts and be best prepared for this world as a believer.


Every Saturday evening, we get the facility ready for our worship service. This means unloading and setting up our worship equipment, putting up signs, getting the nursery/tots/children's classrooms prepared, and even setting up coffee machine and putting out snacks. We are always in need of volunteers to help with our setup and breakdown. We would love for your help!


Our Sunday Connections Team is made up of our greeters and ushers. Our Connections Team has the pivotal role of being the first faces people seen when anyone enters into our community. Our volunteers serve twice a month. If you are looking for a simple way to serve and connect with a team, this may be a good opportunity!


Our Prayer Team is made up of those who simply have a heart to pray for anyone who is in need of prayer. Our volunteers serve twice a month and listen to prayer requests after service for those who request to be prayed over. If you are interested in praying for others, this may be the team for you!