Rev. Dr. Kunjumon Daniel

Senior Pastor

Rev. Dr. Kunjumon Daniel is the founder and Senior Pastor of Full Gospel Assembly of God. Over the years, he has been a tremendous blessing to many individuals and families in finding their way to Christ and mentoring them to be disciples. Driven by a passion to serve God and spread the Good News, he has led the church to branch out into international ministries with his wife Lily Daniel. They are blessed with 3 children and 4 grandchildren. Pastor Kunjumon visions to continue leading FGAG in impacting the community with the love and guidance of Jesus Christ.

" Blessings to all who read this . I was born in Scotland in 1938 . I came to Canada on my own in March 1957 as an 18 year old and found a spirit filled Church soon thereafter, I am a born of the Spirit and a child of the living God. I realized at a very young age that God had pre-destined (Ephesians 1 : 5 and 1:11) me to be one of His elect. In order to serve humanity Jesus the Christ has been pleased to give me to His Church as a prophetic voice (Ephesians 4 : 11.12 and 13). I attempt to live a life as described by The Fruit of the Spirit. My Father God has allowed me to move in the gifts of the Spirit for the common good of mankind and through this to bring glory and honour to His Most Holy Name "

Ian. A. L Irving
